Med City Animal Hospital Blog
Heartworm 101: Understanding Risks and How to Protect Your Pet
Among the various health risks that pets face, heartworm disease stands out as a particularly insidious threat. This disease can have devastating effects on your pet, and yet, it is preventable. This article will delve into heartworm disease and stress the importance of proactive prevention.
Household Hazards: Understanding and Mitigating Pet Poisoning Risks
Owning a pet offers immeasurable joy, companionship, and love. However, it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring their safety and well-being. Many common items found in our homes could pose significant poisoning risks to our furry companions. By understanding these hazards and how to prevent them, we can create a safer environment for our pets.
Recent Posts
As you’re shopping for the holiday season, you may ask yourself, “What’s the best gift I can give my pet?” While pet sweaters are cute and can make for adorable holiday cards, we believe the best present a pet parent can gift their pet is a healthy, happy life.
Despite all that has happened in 2020, this year has its hidden gems. From having more time to snuggle with the cat to greeting neighbors working from home on walks with the dog, there is still so much to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving.
The dog days of summer are here. For many, this season comes with endless possibilities for having fun with your pets, like picnics, nature walks, and swimming pools. After being stuck at home for so long due to COVID-19, we bet you’re looking to break up the boredom with some outdoor adventures.